
Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Isoperimetric graph partitioning for data clustering and image segmentation.
IEEE PAMI, 28(3):469-475, 2006.

Oliver P. Hinds, Jonathan R. Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Brain surface reconstruction from slice contours [Abstract].
NeuroImage, 31(1):S445, 2006.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Oliver P. Hinds, Mukund Balasubramanian, Bruce Fischl, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Characterization of cortical visuotopy in human and macaque: quantitative similarities across subjects and species [Abstract].
NeuroImage, 31(1):S198, 2006.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Mukund Balasubramanian, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Multi-area visuotopic map complexes in macaque striate and extra-striate cortex.
Vision Research, 46(20):3336-3359, 2006.
Published online July 10, 2006.

Mukund Balasubramanian, Jonathan R. Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Quasi-isometric flattening of large-scale cortical surfaces [Abstract].
NeuroImage, 26(1):S751, 2005.
Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 12-16, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Available on CD-ROM in NeuroImage vol. 26, No. 1.

M. Balasubramanian, J. R. Polimeni, and E. L. Schwartz.
Quasi-isometric flattening of large-scale cortical surfaces [Abstract].
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2005.

Neil A. Bomberger and Eric L. Schwartz.
The structure of cortical hypercolumns: receptive field scatter may enhance rather than degrade boundary contour representation in V1 [Abstract].
Journal of Vision, 5(8):891a, 2005.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Oliver Hinds, Andre J.W. van der Kouwe, Lawrence L. Wald, Anders M. Dale, Bruce Fischl, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Two-dimensional mathematical structure of the human visuotopic map complex in v1, v2, and v3 measured via fmri at 3 and 7 tesla.
Vision Sciences Society 2005 Annual Meeting, 2005.

Oliver P. Hinds, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Megan L. Blackwell, Christopher J. Wiggins, Graham Wiggins, Andre J.W. van der Kouwe Lawrence L. Wald, Eric L. Schwartz, and Bruce Fischl.
Surface reconstruction of ex-vivo human v1 through identification of the stria of gennari using mri at 7t.
Human Brain Mapping 2005 Annual Meeting, 2005.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Isoperimetric partitioning:a new algorithm for graph partitioning.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, In Press, 2005.

O. P. Hinds, J. R. Polimeni, M. L. Blackwell, C. J. Wiggins, G. C. Wiggins, A. J. W. van der Kouwe, L. L. Wald, E. L. Schwartz, and B. Fischl.
Reconstruction and analysis of human V1 by imaging the stria of Gennari using MRI at 7T [Abstract].
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2005.

Oliver P. Hinds, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Megan L. Blackwell, Christopher J. Wiggins, Graham Wiggins, André J.W. van der Kouwe, Lawrence L. Wald, Eric L. Schwartz, and Bruce Fischl.
Surface reconstruction of ex-vivo human V1 through identification of the stria of gennari using MRI at 7T [Abstract].
NeuroImage, 26(1):S140, 2005.
Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 12-16, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Available on CD-ROM in NeuroImage vol. 26, No. 1.

J. R. Polimeni, O. P. Hinds, M. Balasubramanian, A. J. W. van der Kouwe, L. L. Wald, A. M. Dale, B. Fischl, and E. L. Schwartz.
The human V1-V2-V3 visuotopic map complex measured via fMRI at 3 and 7 Tesla [Abstract].
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2005.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Oliver P. Hinds, Mukund Balasubramanian, André J.W. van der Kouwe, Lawrence L. Wald, Anders M. Dale, Bruce Fischl, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Measurement of the two-dimensional structure of the human visuotopic map complex in V1, V2, and V3 via fMRI at 3 and 7 Tesla [Abstract].
NeuroImage, 26(1):S128, 2005.
Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 12-16, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Available on CD-ROM in NeuroImage vol. 26, No. 1.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Domhnull Granquist-Fraser, Richard J. Wood, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Physical limits to spatial resolution of optical recording: Clarifying the spatial structure of cortical hypercolumns.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(11):4158-4163, 15 March 2005.

Jonathan R. Polimeni, Oliver P. Hinds, Mukund Balasubramanian, André J.W. van der Kouwe, Lawrence L. Wald, Anders M. Dale, Bruce Fischl, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Two-dimensional mathematical structure of the human visuotopic map complex in V1, V2, and V3 measured via fMRI at 3 and 7 Tesla [Abstract].
Journal of Vision, 5(8):898a, 2005.

Robert E. Wagner, Jonathan R. Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Gibson, meet topography: the dipole structure of the visual field is crucial to a robust estimate of navigation by optical flow [Abstract].
Journal of Vision, 5(8):895a, 2005.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Faster graph-theoretic image processing via small-world and quadtree topologies.
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 2 of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 360-365, Washington DC, June 27 - July 2 2004. IEEE Computer Soceity, IEEE.

Robert E. Wagner, Jon R. Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Estimating sensor motion from wide-field optical flow on a log-dipolar sensor.
Technical report, Dept. of Cog. and Neural Systems, Boston University, 2004.

Domhnull Granquist-Fraser, Jonathan Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Physical limits to spatial resolution of optical recording: Photon scatter and optical defocus.
In Annual Meeting. Society for Neuroscience, 2003.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Anisotropic interpolation on graphs with application to image processing.
IEEE PAMI, 2003,submitted.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Anisotropic interpolation on graphs: The combinatorial dirichlet problem.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-TR-03-014, Boston University, 677 Beacon Street, July 2003.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Image graph tool box: Users manual.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-TR-03-018, Boston University, 677 Beacon Street, August 2003.

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz.
Isoperimetric partitioning: A new algorithm for graph partitioning.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-TR-03-019, Boston University, 677 Beacon Street, October 2003.

Jonathan Polimeni, Mukund Balasubramanian, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Full-field two-dimensional v1, v2, and v3 visuotopy represented by a quasiconformal map complex.
In Annual Meeting, 2003.

Eric L. Schwartz, Jonathan Polimeni, Donald Granquist-Fraser, and Richard Wood.
The structure of singular regions in cortical orientation maps: A function of spatial blur.
In Annual Meeting. Society for Neuroscience, 2003.

Mukund Balasubramanian, Jonathan Polimeni, and Eric L. Schwartz.
The v1-v2-v3 complex: a quasiconformal dipole map in striate and extrastriate cortex.
Neural Networks, 15(10):1157-1163, 2002.

Mukund Balasubramanian and Eric L. Schwartz.
The isomap algorithm and topological stability.
Science, 295:7-8, 2002.

Jonathan Polimeni and Eric Schwartz.
Neural representation of sensory data. Commentary on ``Mental imagery: In search of a theory,'' by Zenon W. Pylyshyn.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(2):207-208, April 2002.

Neil Bomberger and Eric L. Schwartz.
Fast anisotropic diffusion: biological algorithms.
Spatial Vision, In preparation, 2001.

G> N. Chen and Eric L. Schwartz.
The pryamid exponential chirp algorithm: fast quasi-invariant frequency domain image processing for space-variant images.
I.E.E.E. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, In preparation, 2001.

Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Diffusionless diffusion:image permutation operators and non-local filtering.
International Journal of Computer Vision, In press,2001.
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Richard Wood and Eric L. Schwartz.
Real time shape specific motion tracking.
I.E.E.E. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, In preparation, 2001.

Jonathan Polimeni and Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-time adaptive image representations: data structures, hardware and algorithms.
NSF Motion Imagery Workshop, 2001.

Eric L. Schwartz and Michael Cohen.
Color vision and the four-color-map problem?
J. Cog. Neuroscience, 12(5):911, 2000.
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Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-variant vision: Mathematical, computational and biological status.
In G. Baratof and H. Neumann, editors, Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence, volume 9, pages 1-12. Infix, 2000.

Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, and Thomas M. Jessel.
Principles of Neural Science.
McGraw Hill, fourth edition, 2000.

Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Real-time restoration of images degraded by uniform motion blur in foveal active vision systems.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 8:1838-1842, 1999.
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Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Adaptive non-local filtering: A fast alternative to anisotropic diffusion for image segmentation.
IEEE Patt. Anal. and Mach. Intell., 22:42-48, 1999.
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Eric Schwartz.
MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences, chapter Computational Neuroanatomy, pages 164-166.
MIT Press, 1999.

R.J. Wood and Eric L. Schwartz.
Topographic shear and the relationship of ocular dominance columns to orientation columns in monkey and cat visual cortex.
Neural Networks, 12:205-210, 1999.
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Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Cortical hypercolumn size determines stereo fusion limits.
Bio. Cybernetics, 80(2):117-131, 1999.
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Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Improved cross correlation operator for template matching on the laplacian pyramid.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 19(8):765-770, 1998.
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Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Improved cross correlation operator for template matching on the laplacian pyramid.
Technical Report 98-009, Dept. of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, 1998.

Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Representation is space-variant.
Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 21:469-470, 1998.
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Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Real-time restoration of images degraded by uniform motion blur in foveal active vision systems.
Technical Report 98-008, Dept. of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, 1998.

Bruce Fischl, Michael Cohen, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Rapid anisotropic diffusion using space-variant vision.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 28(3):199-213, 1998.
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Douglas N. Greve, Gil Engel, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Instrumentation and control of a miniature pan-tilt actuator: the spherical pointing motor.
IEEE Robotics and Automation, Submitted, 1998.

R.J. Wood and Eric L. Schwartz.
Topographic shear and the relationship of ocular dominance columns to orientation columns in monkey and cat visual cortex.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-98-031, Dept. of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, 1998.

Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric Schwartz.
Lie groups, space-variant fourier analysis and the exponential chirp transform.
In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 96, volume 3 of CVPR, pages 229-237, 1997.
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Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-variant fourier analysis: the exponential chirp transform.
IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision, 19:1080-1089, 1997.
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Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Fast adaptive alternatives to non-linear diffusion in image enhancement: Greens function approximators and non-local filters.
In B. ter Haar Romney, Luc Florack, Jan Koenderink and Max Viergever, editors, First International Conference on Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1252, pages 327-332. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
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Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Learning an integral equation approximation to nonlinear anisotropic diffusion in image processing.
IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision, 19:342-351, 1997.
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Bruce Fischl, Michael Cohen, and Eric L. Schwartz.
The local structure of space-variant images.
Neural Networks, 10(5):815-831, 1997.
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Doron Tal and Eric Schwartz.
Multiplying with neurons using the compressive non-linearity of the integrate and fire neuron.
Neural Computation, pages 305-318, 1997.
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Doron Tal and Eric Schwartz.
Topological singularities in cortical orientation maps: the sign principle correctly predicts hypercolumn structure in primate visual cortex.
Network, 8:229-238, 1997.
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Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Fourier analysis and cortical architectures: the exponential chirp transform.
Real-Time Imaging, 3:229-237, 1996.
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Bruce Fischl and Eric Schwartz.
Adaptive nonlinear filtering for non-linear anisotropic diffusion approximation in image processing.
In Proceedings of the ICPR, ICPR-13, 1996.

Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Adaptive non-local filtering: a fast alternative to anisotropic diffusion for image enhancement.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-TR-96-96-033, 1996.

Doron Tal and Eric L. Schwartz.
Statistical analysis and parameterization of experimetnal and theoretical vortex maps in primate striate cortex.
In Invest. Opthal., 1996.

Bruce Fischl, Eric L. Schwartz, and Michael A. Cohen.
The local structure of space-variant images.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-96-023, Boston University, 1996.

Bruce Fischl, Eric L. Schwartz, and Michael a. Cohen.
Real-time anisotropic diffusion using space-variant vision.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-96-026, Boston University, 1996.

Doron Tal and Eric L. Schwartz.
Topological singularities in cortical orientation maps: The sign theorem correctly predcits orientation column patterns in primate striate cortex.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-96-031, Boston University, 1996.

Ben Bederson, Richard Wallace, and Eric Schwartz.
A miniaturized space-variant active vision ystem.
Machine Vision and Applications, 8:101-109, 1995.

Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-variant active vision and visually guided robot vehicles.
In Proceedings of Government Microelectronics Conference. GOMAC, 1995.

Eric Schwartz, Douglas Greve, and Giorgio Bonmassar.
Space-variant active vision: Definition, overview and examples.
Neural Networks, 8(7/8):1297-1308, 1995.

Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-variant fourier analysis: the exponential chirp transform.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-95-034, Boston University, 1995.

Bruce Fischl and Eric L. Schwartz.
Learning an integral equation appoximation to nonlinear anisotropic diffusion in image processing.
Technical report, Boston University, 1995.

Doron Tal and Eric L. Schwartz.
Computing with the integrate and fire neuorn: Weber's law, multiplication and phase detection.
Technical Report CAS/CNS-95-024, Boston University, 1995.

Y. Yeshurun N. Arad, E. Schwartz, Z. Wollberg.
Acoustical binaural correspondence used for localization of natural acoustical signals,.
Neural Networks, 7(3):441-447, 1994.

Ben Bederson, Richard Wallace, and Eric Schwartz.
A miniature pan-tilt actuator: the spherical pointing motor.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 10(3):298-308, 1994.

Giorgio Bonmassar and Eric Schwartz.
Geometric invariance in space-variant vision.
In ICPR Proceedings, ICPR-12. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1994.

Gil Engel, Douglas Greve, Joe Lubin, and Eric Schwartz.
Space-variant active vision and visually guided robotics: Design and construction of a high-performance miniature vehicle.
In ICPR Proceedings, ICPR-12. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1994.

Douglas N. Greve, Gil Engel, Joseph Lubin, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Actuator control of a miniature active vision system.
In ICPR Proceedings, ICPR-12. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1994.

Pierre Landau and Eric L. Schwartz.
Subset warping: Rubber sheeting with cuts.
Computer Vision , Graphics and Image Processing, 56:247-266, 1994.
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Gil Engel, Douglas Greve, Joseph Lubin, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Space-variant active vision and functional architecture in primate visual cortex.
In K. S. Narendra, editor, 8th Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems. 1994.

Eric L. Schwartz, Gil Engel, and Douglas N. Greve.
Space-variant active vision and visually guided robot vehicles.
In Proceedings of Government Microelectronics Conference. GOMAC, 1994.

Eric L. Schwartz.
Topographic mapping in primate visual cortex: Anatomical and computational approaches.
In Donald H. Kelly, editor, Visual Science and Engineering: Models and Applications. Marcel Dekker, 1994.

Eric Schwartz and Alan Rojer.
Cortical hypercolumns and the topology of random orientation maps.
In ICPR Proceedings, ICPR-12. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1994.
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Eric L. Schwartz.
Computational studies of the spatial architecture of primate visual cortex:columns, maps, and protomaps.
In Alan Peters and Kathy Rocklund, editors, Primary Visual Cortex in Primates, volume 10 of Cerebral Cortex. Plenum Press, 1994.

Doron Tal and Eric L. Schwartz.
Weber-fechner transduction: a logarithmic compressive nonlinearity i s a generic property of integrate and fire neurons.
In Proceedings of the WCNN, volume (7), pages IV36-IV367, 1994.

Richard Wallace, Ping-Wen Ong, Ben Bederson, and Eric Schwartz.
Space variant image processing.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 13(1):71-90, 1994.

Ben Bederson Richard Wallace and Eric L. Schwartz.
Cortex-I: A miniaturized space variant vision system.
In Richard J. Mammone, editor, Artificial Neural Networks for Speech and Vision. Chapman and Hall, 1993.

E. Ruppin, E. Schwartz, and Y. Yeshurun.
Examining the volume efficiency of the cortical architecture in a multi processor network mode.
Biological Cybernetics, 70(1):89-94, 1993.

Alan Rojer and Eric L. Schwartz.
Visualizing and understanding patterns of brain architecture.
In Paolo Dario, Giulio Sandini, and Patrick Aebischer, editors, Robots and Biological Systems: Towards a New Bionics?, volume 102 of NATO ISO Series. 1993.

Benjamin B. Bederson, Richard S. Wallace, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Control and design of the spherical pointing motor.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE Internat. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1993.

Ben Bederson, Richard Wallace, and Eric Schwartz.
Calibration of the spherical pointing motor.
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, 1992.

Ben Bederson, Richard Wallace, and Eric Schwartz.
Two miniature pan-tilt devices.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, page In press, 1992.

Pierre Landau and Eric L. Schwartz.
Computer simulation of cortical polymaps: a proto-column algorithm.
Neural Networks, 5:187-206, 1992.

Ping Wen Ong, Ben Bederson, Richard Wallace, and Eric Schwartz.
Space variant optical character recognition.
11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1992.

Alan Rojer and Eric L. Schwartz.
A quotient space hough transform for space variant visual attention.
In Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg, editors, Neural Networks for Vision and Image Processing, pages 407-436. 1992.

Eric L. Schwartz and Alan S. Rojer.
A computational study of cortical hypercolumns and the topology of random orientation maps.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 18:742, 1992.

Richard S. Wallace, Benjamin B. Bederson, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Voice-bandwidth visual communication through logmaps.
I.E.E.E. Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, pages 231-250, 1992.

Alan Rojer and Eric L. Schwartz.
A computational study of cortical hypercolumns and the topology of random orientation maps.
In Annual Meeting, volume Abstract 313.11. Society for Neuroscience, 1992.

David Rosenbluth, Amar Muinsif, Thomas D. Albright, and Eric L. Schwartz.
Computer reconstruction from 2dg serial sections of the topographic map of macaque visula cortex.
In Annual Meeting, volume Abstract 313.12. Society for Neuroscience, 1992.

Eric L. Schwartz and Alan S. Rojer.
Cortical hypercolumns and the topology of random orientation maps.
Technical Report 593, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 251 Mercer Street, May 1991.

About Eric Schwartz.
Cognitive sciences explored in chicago.
Science, 1991.

C. Frederick and E. L. Schwartz.
The brain peeler: viewing the inside of a three dimensional shell.
Visual Computer, 6(1):37-49, 1990.

Carl Frederick and Eric L. Schwartz.
Conformal image warping.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, March:54-61, 1990.

A. Rojer and E. L. Schwartz.
Cat and monkey cortical columnar patterns modeled by bandpass-filtered 2D white noise.
Biological Cybernetics, 62:381-391, 1990.

A. S. Rojer and E. L. Schwartz.
Design considerations for a space-variant visual sensor with complex-logarithmic geometry.
10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pages 278-285, 1990.

Eric L. Schwartz, editor.
Computational Neuroscience.
MIT Press, 1990.

E. L. Schwartz.
In E. L. Schwartz, editor, Computational Neuroscience. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990.

Eric L. Schwartz and Alan Rojer.
Measurement, characterization, and algorithmic synthesis of the macaque ocular dominance column pattern.
In Invest. Opthal, and Vis. Sci., volume 31 of ARVO, page 1226, 1990.

Eric L. Schwartz.
Computing the anatomy of the brain.
Pixel, 1:20-27, 1990.

A. Rojer and E. L. Schwartz.
A paramteric model for synthesis of cortical column patterns.
IJCNN Proceedings, II:603-613, 1989.

E. L. Schwartz, A. Shaw, and E. Wolfson.
A numerical solution to the generalized mapmaker's problem.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11:1005-1008, 1989.
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E. L. Schwartz, A. Munsif, and T. D. Albright.
The topographic map of macaque V1 measured via 3D computer reconstruction of serial sections, numerical flattening of cortex, and conformal image modeling.
Investigative Opthalmol. Supplement, page 298, 1989.

A. Shaw and E. L. Schwartz.
Construction of polyhedral surfaces from serial sections: exact and heuristic solutions.
SPIE Medical Imaging III: Image Capture and Display, 1091:221-233, 1989.

E. Wolfson and E. L. Schwartz.
Computing minimal distances on arbitrary polyhedral surfaces.
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11:1001-1005, 1989.
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Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Cepstral filtering on a columnar image architecture: a fast algorithm for binocular stereo segmentation.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11(7):759-767, 1989.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Shape description with a space-variant sensor: algorithms for scan-path, fusion and convergence over multiple scans.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11:1217-1222, 1989.

Alan Rojer and Eric L. Schwartz.
A multiple-map model for pattern classificcation.
Neural Computationa, 1:104-115, 1989.

I. Alter and E. L. Schwartz.
Psychophysical studies of shape with fourier descriptor stimuli.
Perception, 17:191-202, 1988.

C. Frederick and E. Schwartz.
Visualizing conformal texture mapping.
Technical Report CNS-TR-2-88, 1988.

A. Rojer and E. L. Schwartz.
A new pattern classifier motivated by brain architecture: towards a calculus of maps.
Technical Report TR 203, New York, 1988.

E. L. Schwartz, B. Merker, E. Wolfson, and A. Shaw.
Computational neuroscience: Applications of computer graphics and image processing to two and three dimensional modeling of the functional architecture of visual cortex.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 8(4):13-28 (July), 1988.

E. L. Schwartz.
Geometric representation of visual data in the cortex of primates.
Proc. SPIE, 938:146-153, 1988.

E. L. Schwartz.
Image simulation of the macaque ocular dominance column system.
Invest. Ophthal. and Vision Sci., 29:116, 1988.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Ocular dominance columns in macaque V1: a two dimensional stereomap.
In E. Schwartz, editor, Computational Neuroscience. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1988.

T. N. Cheung and E. L. Schwartz.
Using gaussian curvature as a heuristic for flattening polyhedral surfaces: a fast brain flattener.
Technical Report CNS-TR-4-87, 1987.

C. Frederick and E. L. Schwartz.
Exploiting scan plane order to construct a fast brain peeler.
Technical Report CNS-TR-5-87, 1987.

P. Landau and E. L. Schwartz.
A three dimensional median filter: applications to repair of damaged brain sections and to interpolation of serial sections.
Technical Report CNS-TR-1-87, 1987.

E. L. Schwartz, A. Shaw, and D. Weinshall.
Flattening visual cortex cortex at image resolution: quantitative computer reconstruction of the macaque ocular dominance column pattern.
Neuroscience Abstracts, page 1293, 1987.

E. L. Schwartz, A. Shaw, and E. Wolfson.
A numerical solution to the generalized map-maker's problem: Flattening non-convex polyhedral surfaces.
Technical Report CIMS-TR-256, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, 1987.

E. L. Schwartz.
The reconstruction, modeling, and computational significance of neural maps in primate neo-cortex.
Neuroscience Society Short Course on Computational Neuroscience, pages 74-101, 1987.

E. L. Schwartz and Y. Yeshurun.
Towards a non-network approach to neural modeling: some basic issues of measurement, simulation and computational significance of brain maps.
Proceeedings of the IEEE First Annual Int. Conference on Neural Networks, 1:IV 225-233, 1987.

A. Shaw and E. L. Schwartz.
A brain peeler which produces true phsyiological laminar peels.
Technical Report CNS-TR-4-87, 1987.

A. Shaw and E. L. Schwartz.
Image mapping between two- and three-dimensional surfaces.
Technical Report CNS-TR-3-87, 1987.

D. Weinshall and E. L. Schwartz.
A new method for measuring the visuotopic map function of striate cortex: validation with macaque data and possible extension to measurement of the human map.
Soc. Neuro. Abstr., page 1291, 1987.

E. Wolfson and E. L. Schwartz.
Computing minimal distances in arbitrary two-dimensional polyhedral surfaces.
Number Tech. Rep. 255. NYU Courant Institute, 1987.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
A non-linear operator for fusing stereo half-images.
Technical Report CNS-TR-5-87, 1987.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
An ocular dominance column map as a data structure for stereo segmentation.
Proc. IEEE First Ann. Intl. Conf. Neural Networks, pages IV371-IV377, 1987.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Shape description with a space variant sensor: algorithms for scan-path, fusion and convergence over multiple scans.
Number Robotics Report No. 109. NYU Courant Institute, 1987.

N. Gonzalez, A. Munsif, and E. L. Schwartz.
Optical and electronic implementation of moving brain-block animation on a hacker cryostat.
Technical Report CNS-TR-29-86, 1986.

W. K. Kaplow and E. L. Schwartz.
Data formatting and software tools for gray-scale run-length encoding of image data.
Technical Report CNS-TR-21-86, 1986.

W. K. Kaplow and E. L. Schwartz.
An interactive system for alignment and manipulation of images of brain sections: BITBOX.
Technical Report CNS-TR-20-86, 1986.

W. K. Kaplow and E. L. Schwartz.
Measuring mean and gaussian curvature on triangulated brain surfaces: The differential geometry of macaque striate cortex.
Technical Report CNS-TR-1-86, 1986.

W. Kaplow and E. L. Schwartz.
Preparing and repairing serial sections of brain for 3D reconstruction: The brain spackler.
Technical Report CNS-TR-17-86, 1986.

W. Light and E. L. Schwartz.
A digital tangential microtome built from a voxel-based surface tracker: The brain peeler.
Technical Report CNS-TR-5-86, 1986.

K. Loris, E. Wolfson, and E. L. Schwartz.
Neo-cortical columnar architectures I: A generalized voronoi-region algorithm for multi-column map systems.
Technical Report CNS-TR-13-86, 1986.

K. Loris, E. Wolfson, and E. L. Schwartz.
Neo-cortical columnar architectures II: Simulation of retinal and cortical primate ocular-dominance-column maps.
Technical Report CNS-TR-14-86, 1986.

B. Merker and E. L. Schwartz.
Accurate alignment of serial sections of primate brain for three-dimensional reconstruction.
Technical Report CNS-TR-3-86, 1986.

E. L. Schwartz.
Computational neuroanatomy.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference and Exposition: Comupter Graphics '86. Computer Graphics Assoc., 1986.

E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing V: Implementation of symm's algorithm for numerical conformal mapping.
Technical Report CNS-TR-16-86, 1986.

E. L. Schwartz and B. Merker.
Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the ocular dominance column pattern of macaque striate cortex: a digital tangential microtome.
Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci., 27:223, 1986.

E. L. Schwartz and B. Merker.
Computer-aided neuroanatomy: differential geometry of cortical surfaces and an optimal flattening algorithm.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 6(2):36-44 (March), 1986.

E. L. Schwartz.
Computational neuroanatomy.
Proceedings of National Computer Graphics Association Technical Sessions, 3:173-184, 1986.

A. Shaw, W. Light, and E. L. Schwartz.
Finding, labeling, and parsing 2.5D contours of a surface in 3D: A semantics and syntax for automatic triangulation.
Technical Report CNS-TR-6-86, 1986.

A. Shaw, B. Merker, and E. L. Schwartz.
Interactive triangulation of macaque visual cortex: Case study of a ``dumb'' triangulator.
Technical Report CNS-TR-7-86, 1986.

A. Shaw, E. Wolfson, and E. L. Schwartz.
A numerical solution to the generalized map-maker's problem: The brain flattener.
Technical Report CNS-TR-4-86, 1986.

E. Wolfson and E. L. Schwartz.
Computing minimal distances in arbitrary two-dimensional polyhedral surfaces.
Technical Report CNS-TR-2-86, 1986.

E. Wolfson and E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing I: An algorithm for fast complex logs and exponential image-warps.
Technical Report CNS-TR-9-86, 1986.

E. Wolfson, Y. Yeshurun, and E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing II: Image-blending of multi-fixation logarithmic views.
Technical Report CNS-TR-10-86, 1986.

E. Wolfson and E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing III: A truncated-pyramid algorithm for giga-pixel image-warping.
Technical Report CNS-TR-23-86, 1986.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing IV: Contour-based blending of multi-fixation log views of a scene.
Technical Report CNS-TR-11-86, 1986.

Y. Yeshurun and E. L. Schwartz.
Space-variant image-processing V: Implementation of a scanpath algorithm for contour-based scenes.
Technical Report CNS-TR-12-86, 1986.

W. K. Kaplow, W. Light, and E. L. Schwartz.
An introduction to the extended HIPS header system.
Technical Report CNS-TR-1-85, 1985.

B. Merker and E. L. Schwartz.
Computer aided neuro-anatomy: reconstruction and characterization of the opercular surface of macaque striate cortex.
Investigative Ophthal. and Vis. Res. (Supplement), 26 #3:164, 1985.

E. L. Schwartz and B. Merker.
Flattening cortex: an optimal computer algorithm and comparisons with physical flattening of the opercular surface of striate cortex.
Soc. Neuro. Abstr., 15, 1985.

E. L. Schwartz.
Image processing simulations of the functional architecture of primate striate cortex.
Investigative Ophthal. and Vis. Res. (Supplement), 26 #3:164, 1985.

E. L. Schwartz.
Local and global functional architecture in primate striate cortex: outline of a spatial mapping doctrine for perception.
In R. Rose and V. G. Dobson, editors, Models of the Visual Cortex. John Wiley& Sons, Chichester, 1985.

E. L. Schwartz.
On the mathematical structure of the retinotopic mapping of primate striate cortex.
Science, 227:1066, 1985.

E. L. Schwartz.
Anatomical and physiological correlates of human visual perception.
IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC-14:257-271, 1984.

E. L. Schwartz, D. R. Christman, and A. P. Wolf.
Human primary visual cortex topography imaged via positron-emission tomography.
Brain Research, 294:225-230, 1984.

E. L. Schwartz.
Cortical anatomy and size invariance.
Vision Research, 18:24-58, 1983.

E. L. Schwartz.
Experimental consequences of the conformal(isotropic) structure of macaque striate cortex.
Invest. Opthal. (supplement), 24(3):105, 1983.

E. L. Schwartz, R. Desimone, T. Albright, and C. G. Gross.
Shape recognition and inferior temporal neurons.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 80:5776-5778, 1983.

E. L. Schwartz.
Spatial mapping and spatial vision in monkey and human visual cortex.
In L. Spillman and B. Wooten, editors, Sensation, Perception and Cognition: A Festschrift for Ivo Kohler. Erlbaum Press, New York, NY, 1983.

R. Desimone, E. L. Schwartz, T. D. Albright, and C. G. Gross.
Inferior temporal neurons selective for shape.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science: ARVO Supplement, 22:238, 1982.

E. L. Schwartz.
Columnar architecture and computational anatomy in primate visual cortex: segmentation and feature extraction via spatial-frequency-coded difference mapping.
Biological Cybernetics, 42:157-168, 1982.

E. L. Schwartz.
Cortical anatomy, size invariance, and spatial frequency analysis.
Perception, 10:455-468, 1981.

E. L. Schwartz, D. Christman, and A. Wolf.
Positron emission tomography studies of human visual cortex.
Soc. for Neuroscience Abstracts, 7:367, 1981.

F. Varela, A. Toro, and E. L. Schwartz.
Perceptual framing and cortical alpha rhythm.
Neuropsychologia, 19:675-686, 1981.

A. D. Weissman and E. L. Schwartz.
A flexible high-density multi-channel electrode array for long-term chronic implantation.
Brain Research Bull., 6:543-546, 1981.

E. L. Schwartz.
Computational anatomy and functional architecture of striate cortex: a spatial mapping approach to perceptual coding.
Vision Research, 20:645-669, 1980.

E. L. Schwartz.
Cortical mapping and computational anatomy: a projective invariant recursive flow-model of visual coding.
Advances in Physiological Sciences, 1980.

E. L. Schwartz.
A quantitative model of the functional architecture of human striate cortex with application to visual illusion and cortical texture analysis.
Biological Cybernetics, 37:63-76, 1980.

E. R. John and E. L. Schwartz.
The neurophysiology of information processing and cognition.
Annual Review of Psychology, 29:1-29, 1978.

E. L. Schwartz.
Spatial mapping in the visual system.
J. Optical Soc. Am., 68:1371, 1978.

E. R. John, W. C. Corning, P. Easton, D. Brown, L. Pritchep, F. Bartlett, R. Thatcher, and E. L. Schwartz.
The use of numerical taxonomy to evaluate brain function.
Science, 196:1393, 1977.

E. L. Schwartz.
Afferent geometry in the primate visual cortex and the generation of neuronal trigger features.
Biological Cybernetics, 28:1-24, 1977.

E. L. Schwartz.
The development of specific visual projections in the monkey and the goldfish: Outline of a geometric theory of receptotopic structure.
J. Theoretical Biology, 69:655-685, 1977.

E. L. Schwartz.
Spatial mapping in primate sensory projection: analytic structure and relevance to perception.
Biological Cybernetics, 25:181-194, 1977.

W. C. Carithers, T. Modis, D.R. Nygren, T. P. Pun, E.L. Schwartz, H. Sticker, and J. H. Christenson.
Regeneration ampliutde of $k^0_s$ from $k^0_l$ in carbon.
Nuclear Physics, B118:333-338, 1977.

A. Ramos and E. L. Schwartz.
Observation of frequency-specific discharges at the unit level in conditioned cats.
Physiology and Behaviour, 16:649-652, 1976.

A. Ramos, E. L. Schwartz, and E. R. John.
Physiology and behaviour: Long-term recording of unit activity in unrestrained cats.
Physiology and Behaviour, 16:803-807, 1976.

Eric L. Schwartz, A. Ramos, and E. R. John.
Single cell activity in chronic unit recording: A quantitative study of the unit amplitude spectrum.
Brain Research Bulletin, 1:57-68, 1976.

A. Ramos, E. L. Schwartz, and E. R. John.
Stable and plastic-unit discharge patterns during behavioral generalization.
Science, 192:393-395, 1976.

Eric L. Schwartz, Alexis Ramos, and E. Roy John.
Cluster analysis of evoked potentials from behaving cats.
Behavioural Biology, 17:109-117, 1976.

E. L. Schwartz.
The analytic structure of the retinotopic mapping of the striate cortex.
Abtracts of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Neuroscience Society, 6:1133, 1976.

W. C. Carrithers, J. H. Christenson, P. H. Eberhard, D. N. Nygren, T. Modis, T. P. Pun, E. L. Schwartz, and H. Sticker.
Test of the quantum-theoretical behaviour of the $k^0-\overline{K^0}$.
Physical Review D, 14(1):290-292, 1976.

American Physiological Society.
The analytic structure of the retinot0pic mapping of the striate cortex, volume 19 of The Physiologist, August 1976.

W. Carrithers, T. Modis, D. Nygren, and E. L. Schwartz.
Measurement of the phase of the CP-violating parameter of the total neutral kaon decay rate.
Physical Review Letters, 30:1336, 1975.

J. Christenson, W. Carrithers, T. Modis, D. Nygren, T. Pun, E. L. Schwartz, H. Sticker, and J. Steinberger.
Test of the quantum-theoretical behavior of the neutral kaon system.
Physical Review D., 54:345-365, 1975.

J. Christenson, W. Carrithers, T. Modis, T. Pun, E. L. Schwartz, H. Sticker, and J. Steinberger.
The branching ratio of the decays of the neutral K mesons.
Physical Review Letters, 30:1336-1340, 1973.

E. L. Schwartz.
Observation of the branching ratio of the decay K(long) to two muons.
Technical Report Nevis Laboratories Technical Report #206, New York, NY, 1973.


Benjamin B. Bederson, Richard S. Wallace and Eric L. Schwartz (1993) Spherical Pointing Motor,

Richard S. Wallace, Benjamin B. Bederson and Eric L. Schwartz (1993) Video modem for space-variant images,

Eric L. Schwartz, Richard S. Wallace, and Benjamin B. Bederson (1994) Many to one image warping and its inverse,


Editorial Board, Neural Networks
Editorial Board, Pergamon Press Series on Neural Networks
Editorial Board, Journal of Intelligent Systems
Advisor to DARPA/MIT Study Group on Funding Priorities in Neural Networks


Society for Neuroscience
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology
I.E.E.E. Computer Society
American Physical Society
N.Y. Academy of Sciences
Association for Computer Machinery

MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS Computational bases of brain function, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of the visual system, computer graphics and visual computation, pattern recognition, mathematical modeling of the nervous system, positron emission tomography studies of human visual system, neurophysiology of infero-temporal cortex, computer-aided-neuroanatomy of primate visual system, psychophysics of shape perception, analog VLSI, robotics, machine vision


Introduction to Computational Neuroscience (Course developer, lecturer) Graduate Level, Dept. Comp. Science, Courant Institute of Math. Sciences
Society for Neuroscience Course on Computational Neuroscience (Course developer, lecturer) Graduate level, University of Southern California, Summer, 1986
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks (Course developer, lecturer) Graduate Level, Dept. Comp. Science, Courant Institute of Math. Sciences
Introduction to Connectionism (with R. Hummel). (Course co-developer and co-lecturer) Graduate Level, Dept. of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Math. Sciences. Fall,1990
Research topics in computational neuroscience.(Course developer and lecturer) Boston University Dept. of Cog. and Neural Systems, Fall 1992.
Introduction to computational neuroscience. (Course developer and lecturer) Boston University Dept. of Cog. and Neural Systems, Spring 1993.)
& Schwartz 2007-06-07