Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
Laboratory Director
shinn @ cns.bu.edu
auditory attention in normal and special populations, binaural and spatial hearing, subcortical and cortical sound processing, multi-sensory attention networks

Scott Bressler
Senior Research Engineer
bressler @ bu.edu
communication impairments in mild traumatic brain injury and blast exposure

Tim Nolan
Research Associate
tnolanjr @ bu.edu
everything and anything hardware / software / scientific

Marissa Gamble
Post Doc
mlgamble @ bu.edu
physiological measures of selective attentional processes in audition

Sabine Hochmuth
Post Doc
sabineh @ bu.edu
effects of talker clarity and accent on speech intelligibility

Sung-Joo Lim
Post Doc
sungj.m.lim @ gmail.com
effects of speaker familiarity on speech processing and memory

Winko An
PhD student, Biomedical Engineering
wan @ bu.edu
tracing neural control and flow of information using EEG and fMRI

Lia Bonacci
PhD student, Biomedical Engineering
liab @ bu.edu
network connectivity and control in auditory attention and attention switching

Yuqi Deng
PhD student, Biomedical Engineering
vydeng @ bu.edu
EEG markers of focus in attentional brain networks

Justin Fleming
PhD student, Harvard University Speech and Hearing Biosciences and Technology Program
justinfleming @ g.harvard.edu
multisensory integration in active perception

Jasmine Kwasa
PhD student, Biomedical Engineering
jkwasa @ bu.edu
selective and divided attention in ADHD across sensory modalities

Sophie Schwarz
PhD student, Graduate Program in Neuroscience
schwart2 @ bu.edu
auditory processing in complex scenes in listeners with autism

Jing Chen
Visiting scholar
jchen.hit @ gmail.com
acoustic and neural markers of emotion in voice

Alex Pei
Undergraduate assistant
alexpei @ bu.edu
decoding EEG signals using machine learning

Sucheta Tamragouri
Undergraduate assistant
suchetat @ bu.edu
pupilometry and anything that we throw at her

Laura Torres
Undergraduate assistant
lmtorres @ bu.edu
effects of neuroactive drugs on attentional control